Mason Evans is experienced in undertaking site-specific Contaminated Land Services to the National Planning Framework (NPF4), offering tailored and sustainable solutions to ensure regulatory compliance and fast progression for projects across the UK.
Why Contaminated Land Services?
The latest changes to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) require a greater focus on the development of existing vacant and derelict land. This land commonly consists of brownfield sites, often with a history of complex commercial / industrial land uses.
Contaminated land services and investigations help to identify, assess, and manage existing and potential risks associated with brownfield developments, industrial sites, and former landfills. This is essential for ensuring the protection of both the public and future water resources.
At Mason Evans, our pragmatic solutions benefit a diverse range of clients, including those in the public and private sectors, by addressing the complex challenges posed by contaminants. We provide detailed assessments, remediation advice, and site monitoring to ensure environmental protection and regulatory compliance.

Our Contaminated Land Services
Mason Evans has a dedicated team of environmental specialists to provide a comprehensive range of solutions for clients involved in the management and development of land. Our contaminated land services typically involve detailed research and investigations, leading to the design and implementation of remediation strategies to fulfil the needs of both regulators and clients.
In addition to supporting a portfolio of professionals across the UK, our head office in Glasgow positions us to understand the unique environmental landscape of Scotland so we can tailor our solutions to meet the specific needs of our Scottish clients.

Phase 1 – Desk Studies
In the first stages of a contaminated land investigation, our team will conduct thorough desk-based research to develop an accurate Conceptual Site Model (CSM) to highlight the necessary sample locations and identify contaminants of concern.
Phase 2 – Site Investigations
Next, our skilled technicians will scope site investigations tailored for each site to gather the information required to assess the risks posed by soils, groundwater, and gas. With this data, we can identify potential issues to inform future decision-making processes.
Phase 3 – Remediation Design & Implementation
After the completion of the onsite investigation, we will develop tailored remediation strategies to address the identified concerns to ensure regulatory compliance. We can then execute cost-effective and sustainable solutions so the development can proceed as planned.
Phase 4 – Completion & Validation Reports
Finally, our experts will provide a comprehensive report to document the successful completion of remediation efforts to verify regulatory and legal compliance and allow sign-off from the relevant regulators.
Other Services
At Mason Evans, our environmental specialists bring years of experience and expertise to every project. We provide a full range of end-to-end solutions for contaminated land, guiding clients through the entire regulatory process and managing all aspects of necessary site works.

UKWIR Water Supply Pipe Assessments
We provide specialised UKWIR assessments to recommend the appropriate material selection of water supply pipes for brownfield development sites, ensuring the safety and quality of water to the public.

Water Feature Surveys
We offer comprehensive surveys to assess and monitor functioning water features. This is essential for identifying existing or potential contamination issues and allows us to develop and implement the measures necessary to mitigate risk.

Environmental Due Diligence & Compliance
We deliver trusted, expert guidance to all our clients. Our team will conduct thorough due diligence assessments to ensure compliance with environmental standards and regulations during any acquisition to provide our clients with the assurance they need to progress their projects.

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) & Permitting (PPC)
Our team is experienced in producing individual, technical Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) chapters, as well as managing the whole EIA process. We are knowledgeable in waste exemption, waste management licences, and pollution prevention and control applications to assist clients in obtaining the necessary permits to ensure environmental regulation compliance.

Expert Witness
The senior staff at Mason Evans have experience in acting as expert witnesses for a variety of topics, from hydrocarbon and asbestos contamination, through to ground gas risk and groundwater assessments.